Candy Jump

Candy Jump

In Candy Jump, the player is faced with a variety of colored candies, with the task of making sure the candy passes through all the moving parts. The walls that are the same color as her current outfit are the only walls she has to pass through.

The player's progress is tracked on the screen according to the number of successful moves. The player's score increases by 1 point for each wall successfully passed. The player needs excellent timing and spatial reasoning skills to win with a score of 10 or more. Try to deduce the path of the jumping game element by observing the movement of the shapes. A lot of colorful features, including complex geometric shapes, spirals and color spectrums, are at your fingertips, ready to color the chip in any color you like in Candy Jump. Be prepared, the game will be lively and surprising.

Tips and Tricks

  • Quick reaction is the key to winning the game.
  • Once you get the hang of the smoothness and spacing, the puzzle will be a piece of cake.
  • If you work consistently, you will eventually succeed.
  • Since the candy colors change suddenly, you need to practice, be patient, and focus on staying calm.

How To Play

  • Click to Play

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