Dinosaur Game

Dinosaur Game

Welcome to Dinosaur Game! In this basic T-Rex game, your goal is to run as far as possible while avoiding danger. How far can you jump in this game?

Game Rules

In Dinosaur Game, you have to survive as long as possible while avoiding danger. Press the Cacshd key to start and jump over obstacles along the way. Due to limited mobility, avoiding obstacles is very important to your success.

Game Strategy

For dinosaurs, jumping before your opponents is a sure way to win. Instead of patiently waiting for the dinosaur to run into a cactus, it will be able to jump over it this way.

Although dinosaurs can jump over land creatures, they must squat to avoid flying across the screen.

Do not try to jump over the bird with the longest wingspan because you will encounter cacti, birds and many other things along the way. You can crawl under an object if it is really high.

How To Play

  • Up arrow/spacebar = jump
  • Down arrow = crouch

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